

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2022-03-17 发布人:


What if the maintenance cycle is slow in forklift leasing?
In fact, this problem puzzles many forklift leasing customers. Because the leased cars are generally old cars, the maintenance is very troublesome. Although the forklift leasing market is very good, with the increase and expansion of leasing companies, the quality cannot be grasped and controlled, which has an impact on the customers of forklift leasing.
Intuitively, it's the same as the title. When the car is rented, it breaks down or gets stuck after a few days. Maintenance and after-sales generally take three to five days. What's more annoying is that the forklift has been repaired and there are problems again within a few days. How to solve this problem in the rental market is a practical problem that almost all forklift rental manufacturers are pondering and urgently need to solve.
So how to solve this problem? The following is a relatively perfect solution when using and encountering similar problems.
1、 It is stated in the lease contract that a car with a good year should be rented, that is, the closer the delivery date, the better,
2、 When leasing, it should be repeatedly required or clearly stated in the contract that in case of problems, the manufacturer should provide spare forklifts, which will not affect the use of customers.
3、 Don't rent a refurbished forklift. Only a very expert can judge it. There is no explanation here.
4、 After the leased car arrives at the site, the forklift master or forklift driver should check it on site, which can relatively avoid many later problems.
These are the problems that customers need to pay attention to when renting forklifts. These problems will not cause a lot of trouble when using forklifts in the later stage

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