

来源:https://www.jnhgjx.net/ 日期:2019-10-29 发布人:


  Basic knowledge of safe operation of second-hand electric forklift:
  1. 在良好路面上,叉车的额定起重量为2吨,但在路况较差的情况下,应适当降低起重量,降低行驶速度。
  1. On a good road surface, the rated lifting capacity of the forklift is 2 tons, but in the case of poor road conditions, the lifting capacity shall be appropriately reduced to reduce the driving speed.
  2. 在装货时,调整货物的大小以调整叉的间距,货物的重量由两个叉平均分担,以避免移动货物的部分装载或滑动到一边。将叉插入桩内后,叉壁应与货物侧面接触,再将门框向后倾斜,使叉离地高度为200mm,方可移动。
  2. When loading, adjust the size of the goods to adjust the spacing of the forks. The weight of the goods is shared equally by two forks to avoid partial loading or sliding to one side of the moving goods. After the fork is inserted into the pile, the fork wall shall contact with the side of the goods, and then the door frame shall be tilted backward to make the fork 200 mm above the ground before it can be moved.
  3. It is forbidden to turn the dome sharply, lift objects, etc., and people are absolutely forbidden to move under the lifting frame.
  4. 在超过7°的斜坡上搬运的货物应在斜坡上方搬运。不要猛刹车,以免货物滑出。当搬运大量货物时,货物遮挡视线,叉车应以低速倒车移动。
  4. The goods transported on the slope of more than 7 ° shall be transported above the slope. Don't brake hard to prevent the goods from slipping out. When carrying a large number of goods, the goods block the sight, and the forklift should move backward at a low speed.
  5. 停止停车,让引擎自动运转。不要让货物悬在空中,不要让驾驶员离开控制位置。
  5. Stop the car and let the engine run automatically. Don't let the cargo hang in the air and don't let the pilot leave the control position.
  6. 叉车停放在道路中间时,发动机空转时应向后收回门框,发动机停车时应将滑架放下,并向前至叉车着地处。
  6. When the forklift is parked in the middle of the road, the door frame shall be retracted backward when the engine is idling, the sliding frame shall be put down when the engine is stopped, and the forklift shall be moved forward to the landing place.
  7 .在工作过程中,如发现可疑噪音或外观异常,有必要立即停车检查,及时采取清理措施,不得在未清理的情况下继续工作。
  7. In the process of work, if any suspicious noise or abnormal appearance is found, it is necessary to stop for inspection immediately, take cleaning measures in time, and do not continue to work without cleaning.
  8. 当然,经过一天的工作,油箱应该加油,这样不仅可以赶走油箱里的水分,还可以避免夜间油里的水分凝结。
  8. Of course, after a day's work, the oil tank should be refueled, which can not only drive away the water in the oil tank, but also avoid the water condensation in the oil at night.
  I hope the introduction of the second-hand forklift truck in Jinan will help you. We are sincerely close to customers, meet customers with actions, keep customers with win-win situation and lead customers with personality. Your satisfaction is our greatest pursuit:

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